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Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Don’t trust on every packaged bottle of water- Stop and think

Today is a market of printing more and more cash and with same target there are several companies and businesses are working.  Same target is copied by local businesses and I experienced this fact one day while I was one the way to somewhere and in midst of that I felt thirsty and before taking out my bottle from bag I found local people were selling packaged and sealed bottle of water. The bottle was nicely labeled and when I thought buy to buy it my friend stopped me and explained me the fact that these are not just looking pure water, nicely sealed and disinfected and ozonated  but in reality these are not have been made pure by water treatment plant. It is also possible that just for cashing the need of thirsty people they might have packaged tap water in bottled and sealed it. I was shocked when I heard it. Is it actually the truth? If yes, it’s really bad                               

That time I sipped my already kept water bottle in bag but I started hating such intention where health of human beings is played with, just for cashing some money. So I decided today to disclose this incident to all through my words so that you can also take care in matter of buying packaged water.  You must buy only such water which has properly passed all standards set up by FDA for making water pure and drinkable.  If you are not sure about whether the water has been treated well in watertreatment plant for making it pure and safe or not, don’t sip it otherwise your just one sip may cause you sickness and diseases.
Here again a question comes in mind, whether I mean to say you should not have bottled water? If yes, how it can be judged which brand of packaged water has been treated well in water treatment plant and gone through proper filtration processes? It is also not possible to keep all brands name in mind every time so what to do? Whether all local brands packaged bottles of water is unsafe?
There are few steps by which you can save yourself from trusting on wrong brand packaged bottles of water.  They are:
  • Firstly check the seal of bottle, if it is not perfectly done avoid to purchase such. Even if it is a renowned brand and seal is broken, don’t buy it.
  • Sometime empty bottles which you throw in dustbin or on the way are collected by local people and tap water is filled in it for resale. So please check twice whether the bottle you are about to buy is really not a resealed bottle.  Resealed bottle you may detect after checking it attentively.
One thing however you can do by which such resealing and reselling process can be affected to some extent that is to crush the bottle after finishing its content so that it cannot be reused and re-sell for mere cash.

To avoid such situations, you can carry your own bottle with you or may trust only top brands of packaged bottle of water as it is checked by authorities from time to time. 

1 comment :

  1. Nice post.Thank you for sharing nice information. Industrial Ro System for water treatment.
