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Friday, 20 June 2014

                               MINERAL WATER PLANT

It’s needless to state the fact that water, a compound of Hydrogen and Oxygen is a natural gift which is essential for the survival of mankind and the other species which are alive in their habitat on planet earth. The water used for potable purposes must be free from undesirable impurities. The water available from untreated sources such as Well, Boreholes, Hot water springs and Spring is not hygienic and safe for drinking purposes. Thus, it is necessary to purify the water and supply under hygienic conditions for drinking purpose. As the name implies, the mineral water is the purified water fortified with requisite amounts of minerals such as Barium, Iron, Manganese, etc. which imperative to process and bottle-safe the potable water for the living beings in prevailing conditions.

Water treatment is process where we remove all the worrisome and harmful particles from the polluted water by using other solutions and equipment in a water treatment plant to make it fit for drinking. It is one of the five essentials for the life to survive.
A mineral water treatment plant is to be built-in the environmental attributes. Polluted water goes under various treatments.

Firstly, water undergoes Pre-treatment (PSF & ASF) for the removal of turbidity, suspension, colour, odour and organic impurities. Pretreatment includes Chlorination, Raw Water Pump, Pressure Sand Filter(PSF), SMBS, Activated Sand Filter(ASF). Backwash and Rinsing Mode also takes place in pre-treatment.

Secondly, water undergoes Reverse Osmosis System (R.O. System). This system ensures to reduce the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) from Raw Water Source. Through this system the all the minerals are removed and resulting in very less TDS value, resulting a very bad taste. This step consists of U.V.System with S.S. Flexible and rigid Piping and Valves. Meanwhile, the water gets bitter and to enhance the taste GIECL providing the Mineral water plant is Adding system or Blending system is the next prominent step. TDS adjustments are done with Blending system by adding Filtered water after ACF through the proper treatment.

Thirdly, Mineral Adding System is the step where all the essentials are added to the Reverse Osmosis System treated water. It is also done to enhance the taste of water. The Stirrer mixes the physical mineral in to the Mixing tank and Dosing Pump doses the mineral in the R.O. treated water before the step of Ozonation with TDS controller. This system is very easy in Operation and it will naturally balance the TDS in to the R.O. Product water.

Fourthly, Absolute Micron Cartridge Filtration (MCF) takes place. It is for the fine filtration 1 & 0.2 Micron. After the Mineral Adding water passes through the 1 & 0.2 Micron, Absolute Micron cartridge filter which treats and removes the fine micron impurities. The Sanitary type housing and Filter assures the High Quality Treated Water before Ozonation. It will also treat an essential part of bacteria and virus.

Lastly, the most important step of Post Treatment i.e. U.V.System & Ozonation is to be taken. ystem Supplied with Ultra Violet System followed by Ozonation System. S.S. 316 Micro Polished U.V.System removes the Micro Biological Growth after the treatment of water in the R.O.System. U.V.Treated water passes through the Ozonation system which Include S.S. – 316, Re-Circulation Tank with Pump Ozonator produces the Ozone gas from Free Atmosphere, Dry air or PSA Oxygen generator. Ozone gas injects with Venture System mounted on Tank with Re-Circulation Tank and Pump. Continuous Re-circulation provides the ozone 

concentration to the Product water before the process of Bottling. A typical 4 – 6 ppm Ozone saturation takes place before bottling the water which will assure for Long Self life of Product.
Hence, bottled mineral water is widely accepted product in offices, food chains, railway stations, airport, bus stands, hospitals and to some extent even in rich house-holds. So, there is good scope for establishing the units for processing and bottling plain and mineralized drinking water in different parts of the country.


  1. This is very interesting. In college, I had a roommate who refused to drink water that hadn't been purified. While treated water has always sounded better for you, I never really took the time to learn why or how it was done. Now that I understand it a little bit better, I can see why my roommate was such a water snob!

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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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